
Dear Owners and Operators,
HUD recognizes the importance of national and local efforts to prevent overdose tragedies that impact too many of us, our loved ones, and our communities. The Biden-Harris Administration is committed to beating the opioid and overdose epidemic – in memory of all those we have lost and to protect all the lives we can still save.
Over time, we have seen increasing awareness and destigmatization of this issue, powered by people taking action to prevent tragedies. Every day, communities are stepping up to support each other to reduce drug-related harms with pragmatic, evidence-based approaches to saving lives, reducing risk, and removing barriers to effective interventions.
Public health officials across the country have successfully increased the availability of Naloxone to improve public safety. As these efforts have expanded their reach, owners and operators have sought to understand how they can be supportive partners in these efforts, while also adhering to existing rules.
To this end, HUD is proud to share the following FAQ to guide owners and operators who seek to make Naloxone (Narcan) available in their communities.
Naloxone is a life-saving medication that can reverse an overdose from opioids, including heroin, fentanyl, and prescription opioid medications, if given in time. Like Automatic External Defibrillators (AEDs) or EpiPens, Naloxone is a valuable tool to provide an extra layer of protection for people at risk of overdose.


